Farm Hitches
Drawbar, Clevis Pin, Pintle & Combo

Farm Hitches

Drawbar, Clevis Pin, Pintle & Combo

The ultimate farmers towing package. Air ride and cushion hitches with drawbar, adjustable pintle, clevis pin and combo ball mounts. Everything you need for around the farm. Design for farmers and provides every mount you need to hook up to farm equipment, cultivators, fertilizer spreaders, bailers, augers, sprayers, and other agriculture-related equipment, trailers, and more.

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  • Extra 7% offShocker Hitch Farm Kit Mounts - (Black Combo Ball, Quad-Cushion Drawbar, Clevis Pin, Pintle Hook)

    Shocker Hitch Black Combo Farm Mount Attachments Kit

    From:  $427.76$499.96
    Rated 0 out of 5
  • Extra 8% offShocker 12K Impact Cushion Bumper Hitch Farm Mount Towing Kit with Pintle Hook, Clevis Pin, Cushion Drawbar and Black Combo Ball Mount

    Shocker Impact Cushion Hitch Black Combo Ball & Farm Mount Towing Kit

    From:  $726.76$849.96
    Rated 0 out of 5

The ultimate farmers towing package. Air ride and cushion hitches with drawbar, adjustable pintle, clevis pin and combo ball mounts. Everything you need for around the farm. Design for farmers and provides every mount you need to hook up to farm equipment, cultivators, fertilizer spreaders, bailers, augers, sprayers, and other agriculture-related equipment, trailers, and more.